Therapy for Grief
Grief is difficult at any age. It can create anxiety about harm to other family members. It can also be difficult to express the emotions that may be associated with loss, such as anger, fear, sadness, and confusion. Loss is not always a person but can also be a pet or friend moving away. Finding ways to talk about this can be difficult as a parent but important in the grieving process.
Grief doesn't always occur when someone has died. It can also occur when someone in the family is very sick. When a loved one is terminally ill, children may engage in anticipatory grieving, or sadness before the person has died. Grief is a sign that we loved someone or something and honoring that connection is critical in therapy. This can include creating rituals or understanding irrational beliefs that come with loss, such as blaming one's self or feeling responsible for the death.
While we all wish that grief was a clean, linear process, it tends to be messy and unclear. We may vacillate between anger, denial, bargaining, sadness, hopelessness, and acceptance. Different developmental stages of life can also impact our grief, surprising us when it pops back after years of apparent dormancy. This is typical yet no less difficult. American culture struggles with talking about death and thus grief can get lost amidst the difficulties.
In a warm, supportive, and accepting environment, Dr. Chamberlain helps your child with their grief, understanding it and finding ways to process the loss. Dr. C also supports you as a parent in finding ways to grieve yourself while also supporting your child during this difficult time. This may be a chaotic and tumultuous time. Call when you can.